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Leadership Program
- GRID Leadership
- Kolbe’s Learning Cycle
- ABCD Trust Model
- Strategic Thinking
- Army Leadership – Mobility of Mind & Mobility of Mass
- Disaster Management
- Team Building for High Performance
- Situational Leadership
- NLP Training
- Situational Leadership
- Leadership Program for Middle Managers-Execution Excellence
- Leadership Program for Principals & Vice Principals & Head Masters
- Team Building Program for High Performance
- Work Experience Program for Students of Grade 11 & 12
- Campus to Corporate – Management Trainee
- Situational Leadership
- Army Leadership –Mobility of Mass & Mobility of Mind
- Behavioral Training
- Execution Excellence
Team Building program at Xthrill are designed and customised purely on the basis of the objective of the Team.
Types of Team Building Programs:
- Personality Based- Team Building Program
- Activity Based - Team Building Program
- Skills Based - Team Building Program
- Problem Solving Based- Team Building Program
- Ice Breaker Based - Team Building Programs
- Wellness Progrm
- Happiness Program
- Spiritual Program
- Improved Productivity
- Increased Motivation
- Increased Collaboration
- Encourage Creativity
- Positive Reinforcement
- Improved Communication
Outbound Training is an action and activity based behavioral training intervention for employee development based on experiential learning methodology of "learning by doing", "hands-on experience" and includes outdoor, adventure, team building activities that engage participants to bring out the desired learning outcomes.
Outbound Training programs involve outdoor, adventure and challenging Team Activities where participants go through obstacles and have to work together as a team to overcome challenges and learn from their experience, feelings and reflection.
VUCA is an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. We have designed Leadership programs keeping in mind the VUCA concept. These programs will help the present and the future leaders to deal with every changing complex market situation.
Basic NLP course
You will learn practical NLP principles and processes that you can use with clients, in your personal life, career or relationships right away.
You will be shown exactly how to break through people's limiting self-philosophies to help them live more empowered and autonomous lives.
Sharpen up your primary senses, develop your intuition and increase your level of self-awareness and self-effectiveness.
Remove old habits and unwanted feelings, and install new and more effective ways of thinking, acting and behaving.
You will understand the primary motivations and reasoning behind most patterns of behavior (productive and destructive).
This training will be useful if your job involves advising or helping people, even if you don't intend to become an NLP Practitioner.
You will discover how the mind processes day-to-day experiences and transforms your interpretation of them into memories, fears, frustrations, passions, actions and outcomes.
Discover how to become far more self-aware in the way that you communicate and interact with people (alongside the psychology behind these communication patterns).
Experiential learning is a well-known model in education, training, facilitation and organisational development.
Experiential education is an immersive, participant focused active approach to learning that engages learners of all ages, backgrounds and experience levels.
It is effectively used in schools, higher education, therapy, corporate training and other areas for educational learning, personal development and skills building.
According to the Association for Experiential Education, experiential learning can be summed up in the phrase “challenge and experience followed by reflection and application leading to learning and growth.”
The concept of experiential learning was first explored by John Dewey, Kurt Hahn, Kurt Lewin and Jean Piaget, among others. It was made popular by David A. Kolb.
Experiential Learning is one that:
Combines direct experience with focused reflection.
Builds on past knowledge and experiences.
Requires active involvement in meaning construction.
Encourages collaboration and exchange of ideas and perspectives.
Can be course focused or in-class, community focused, or work focused.
Our Behavioral Skill programs are based on Social Emotional Learning and Action based experiential learning methodology. The training is designed to help participants demonstrate capability beyond the concepts and knowledge into actionable and demonstrable behaviors.
Most behavioral skills are to do with how employees behave emotionally and socially at workplace. We use the Social Emotional Learning framework with experiential learning methodology to impart behavioral skills training in our programs.